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Tressa is born and raised in Victoria BC. She graduated from the Academy of Excellence in 2012, winning the highest achievement award in her class. She immediately joined Kharma out of school, when it was just 2 chairs in Kirstin’s basement suite. Since her career started, she has become one of Victoria’s most sought after stylists! 

She is recognized for her blondes, balayage, and braids, discovering a love for educating along the way. She frequently trains and educates new staff members at Kharma, and runs classes for other hairstylists on Vancouver Island and the mainland. She has become recognized for her raw talent by many reputable industry leaders, has become sponsored by several companies, and is now an ambassador for the foil line ‘Foil me Foils”. Tressa even made the cover of a styling book! She is constantly striving to learn new techniques through attending classes, and holds a very high standard for her craft!

Tressa also has a BSc in biology, so we do have a scientist on site just in case! She has shifted her career from behind the chair full time to ownership in Kharma's third location.

Follow her on Instagram - @tressesbytress

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