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Meet your new bestie!!! Surine is a super chatty, exuberant stylist who is sure to make your time in the chair memorable. Her bubbly personality is contagious, as she simultaneously has people laughing and having fun while also giving them the hair of their dreams.
Surine debuted in the beauty industry in 2018, when she finished top of her class at Academy of Excellence. Since then, she has niched into doing mostly bright and blended blondes, but with a love for haircuts. She has been with Kharma Saanich since we first opened our doors in 2019, where she started off as a New Talent Stylist, but has since worked her way up to becoming one of our top Master Stylists.
Here’s a girl who loves to hang! Book your next balayage with Surine, and she’ll chat your ear off about her life growing up in Saskatchewan, her indoor plant obsession, the latest book she’s reading, and life as a mother to her beautiful daughter and stepson. Passionate about life and hair, she is sure to put a smile on your face!

Follow her on Instagram - @money.piece 

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