Lip Blush

(Starting at $350, touch up is $175)
Please review and follow our pre-care instructions to avoid deposit forfeiture and necessary rescheduling.
Lip Blush Pre-care Instructions:
4 Weeks Prior:
- Avoid Botox, fillers near lips.
- Avoid Glycolic acid, chemical peels, laser treatments on face.
- Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinols, anti-aging creams.
2 Weeks Prior:
- Avoid lip facials, peels, waxing.
- Minimize sun exposure on face.
1 Week Prior:
- Avoid Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.
- Avoid fish oils, DHA supplements, cayenne supplements, turmeric, vitamin e, niacin (or anything that can cause blood thinning)
- Avoid marijuana, smoking.
- Consult a physician if using above medications for medical reasons.
- Keep lip hydrated with lip balm
If you have ever had a cold sore, been prone to any type of cold sores (herpes simplex virus) or you may have the herpes simplex virus that lies dormant in your system, this procedure could cause an outbreak. It is best to consult with your doctor and upon your doctor’s recommendation, take doctor-prescribed medication such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, or Valtrex before and after the lip procedure to help prevent or lessen the severity of an outbreak.
1-3 Days Prior:
- Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea or excessive amounts of caffeine caffeine.
- Gently exfoliate lips 2 days before.
- Day of Procedure:
- Don't work out the day of treatment.
- Arrive 15-30 minutes early for numbing and paperwork.
Lip Blush Aftercare Instructions:
Please carefully read your post-care instructions for optimal lip blushing appearance and longevity.
Avoid sweating, sports, swimming, hot sauna or baths, UV exposure, laser treatments, chemical products, skincare containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid, touching or itching area, areas of heavy airborne debris, open-air vehicles, excessive alcohol for 14 days post-treatment.
Day 1:
- Lips may be dry, chapped, swollen, and bright.
- Apply light pressure with paper towel for 4 hours following.
- After 4 hours, Apply thin aftercare ointment.
- Avoid kissing, rubbing, friction.
Day 1-3:
- Apply ointment several times a day, keep lips moist.
- Avoid oily, spicy foods.
- Rinse lips after meals, pat dry, and reapply ointment.
Day 4-7:
- Lips may peel, colour can lighten by 30%-60%.
- Let lips peel naturally, keep moist.
Week 2:
- Peeling complete, lips are light.
- Resume normal routines.
- Healing continues for 6 weeks, every week more colour will surface. Keep lips moist for best colour.
Week 6-8:
- Lips fully healed, add gloss & go!
- A second session is strongly recommended for complete transformation.